- facial flushing
- facial redness
- facial papules
- facial pustules
- face gets red after drinking alcohol or hot drinks
- face gets red and / or bumpy after eating spicy foods.
- face gets red and / or bumpy with hot / cold temps or exercise.

Laura's notes:
Sam came to me at the urging of his wife who had seen an article written about our acne clinic. He gave me a long list of medications (mostly antibiotics) that his doctor had given him for the past four years. He was still getting new pustules every day and was very embarassed by them. I recognized right away that it looked like rosacea to me. I treated him and put him on our home care for rosacea. Within six weeks his face was completely clear. He also had some rosacea lesions on his body which cleared up as well.
Client testimonial:
I’m not that vain but as a business owner, I still found it embarrassing when I’d go into a business meeting, knowing how my skin looked. When you’re 60 years old you don’t expect to have skin that looks like adolescent acne. So I scheduled an appointment with a Harvard trained dermatologist, supposedly the best in Marin County. I was seeing him for 3 years. He had me on 3 different types of antibiotics, a synthetic retinoid, LED light treatment and a variety of prescription topicals. Sometimes my skin would improve a bit, but I never came close to getting clear. Then one day my wife saw an article in the Marin Independent Journal about Face Reality. She finally got me to make an appointment and am I glad she did. Laura got me completely clear in six weeks and with products that are a lot safer than what the dermatologist had me taking. I think they’re terrific.